Detoxing Class Rooms
Detoxing Lab Life
Detoxing Hiring & Evaluation
Detoxing Reviewing
- Ghent University is “stepping out of the academic rat race” (2019)
- Ko on dequantification of short biographies (2019)
Academic Culture
- McBee on “why we don’t do our best work in hypercompetitive, ‘Game of Thrones’–style environments” (2019)
- Wellcome trust survey on academic cultures (2020)
- Wu on large and small teams (2019)
Anti Mocking Co-Authors
Publication Metrics
- Mattern on “Zur Evaluation der Informatik mittels bibliometrischer Analyse” (2012, German only)
- Lawrence on “The mismeasurement of science” (2007)
- BD, Bauer and Doryab on “Solving the Battle of First-Authorship: Using Interactive Technology to Highlight Contributions” (2016)
- Grove on “Journal transparency index will be ‘alternative’ to impact scores” (2020)
- Khan on why it is sometimes better to perish than to publish (2020)
PhD Life
- Kearns and Gardiner on “The care and maintenance of your adviser” (2011)
- Forschung & Lehre on “Doktoranden von Star-Akademikern sind nicht zufriedener” (2019, German only)
Review & Funding
- Schlichte on “Sowjetisch-Afrika oder die Herrschaft der Exzellenzinitiative” (2018, German only)
- Besnier on “From the editor: What I have learned in the last four years” (2019)
- Netzwerk für Gute Arbeit in der Wissenschaft on “Hemmungslose Drittmittelraffgier – Stellungnahme” (2019, German only)
- Farrar on “Why we need to reimagine how we do research” (2019)
- Kos vision for peer review (2019)